[nycphp-jobs] Looking for a NYC/Local Developer for Long Term/Part Time Contract

Benjamin Coffin bcoffin at
Tue Jan 15 01:37:56 EST 2008

For Immediate Release
Looking for a NYC/Local Developer for Long Term/Part Time Contract 
Please be brilliant with PHP5 (w/Smarty) / MYSQL5 (w/ADOdb)And know RHEL4 (or similiar) inside + outAnd SSL/SSH2And be able to commit to a Long Term/Part Time contract.ASP-model (web service) is up and running without issues.Your responsibility would be to learn the system top-to-bottom, answer support tickets (usually reminding users how to use the app), testing for potential issues brought to your/our attention, fixing any emergent bugs,adding features, upgrading features, etc.You would be expected to respond to tickets within 12hrs of issue,fix issues within 48hrs of ticket issue,0-15hrs of work per week expected but advance notice will be given if more time is expected.This is not an equity contract -- meaning YOU WILL GET PAID A FAIR CONTRACT AMOUNT (probably $300-350/week).If you're employed part- or full-time, this will be a great supplement to your income, without imposing exorbitant time requirements.Should you be awarded this contract, please be aware that this may turn into a staff role within 1-3yrs of dedication to the project.I'll be qualifying candidates based upon references and past work experience.Candidates should take pride in their work, responsibility for their code and administration, conduct business with professionalism and integrity, be polite and courteous.
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