[nycphp-jobs] job: Sr. PHP developer - startup - Union Square NYC

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Thu Jul 17 10:13:06 EDT 2008

You make a point about explaining what a company does when you threw  
Google as an example.  However you would be hiring a person for a  
specific division or the company.

If you are hiring for the advertising position why bother telling us  
about the search aspects of the company.  Just mention that it is a  
search company that offers a wealth of services however you would be  
working with the advertising side of things.  Explain what the job  
would require.  DO NOT explain anything but the position you are  
hiring for.  Think about how you would describe the position to the  
user if you were actually the hiring manager.

Joseph Crawford

On Jul 17, 2008, at 9:40 AM, kaye wrote:

> Kristina,
> What is a person to do? If all I put into the ad is the technical  
> requirement and an a brief description of what the new hire will do,  
> I don't think I serve neither the hiring company nor the interested  
> candidate well. I'd rather add a few descriptors about the place and  
> their business. Some are teasers, some are substance. This is one of  
> the things that makes communications between people interesting.
> As for the two things you singled out, here's my thoughts:
> Relaxed means a lot more than no dress code. It means that the  
> manager isn't looking at the clock, and doesn't require a lot of  
> face time. It means people work together instead of competitively.  
> And so on.
> As for the business of a company, some things are hard to precisely  
> pin down in a phrase.
> What's Google's business? Is it search? is it advertising? is it  
> content? is it all of the above and more? How would you define it in  
> ten or fewer words without giving away who the company is?
> Dialog is good. If I can serve the community better and get people  
> interested in the jobs I'm trying to fill, I am happy. But it's  
> possible that you are trying too hard to parse an ad that is trying  
> to telegraph some information without wasting a lot of time.
> Art
> Kristina Anderson wrote:
>> stuff like
>> Environment: Relaxed
>> actually means "we all wear really hideous casual clothing, and we  
>> want you to dress this way too, because if you're comfortable in  
>> your funny shorts and faded t-shirt, then we think you won't  
>> realize that you are working 12 hour days in a slavepit without  
>> even some non-soundproof cubicle walls to call your own."
>> This is a prime example of what you do not want to say.
>> Programmers don't care about dress codes.  Even if there is one, we  
>> are going to dress the way we want to dress anyway.
>> also, exactly WHAT is "in the space between e-commerce and  
>> content / ad driven"...?
>> --Kristina
>>> Listening to the list last night and this morning, why not tell us  
>>> recruiters, both in-house and agency, what you want to see in the  
>>> ads?
>>> I've cut this down to the bone. I've got more information but all  
>>> the verbiage in an email isn't as good as a 10 minute conversation  
>>> with
>> me,
>>> and a face to face with the client company.
>>> If you are interested, or you want more information, drop me an e-
>> mail
>>> or give me a call. The number's there.
>>> This is an employee position.
>>> Location: Union Square, NYC
>>> Company type: small, interactive, whose profitable business is in  
>>> the space between e-commerce and content / ad driven.
>>> Environment: Relaxed
>>> The need: a strong Object Oriented PHP developer who likes to  
>>> write complex SQL statements and can also produce excellent front  
>>> end AJAX.
>>> The team is multi-national, as is the senior management.
>>> What will you be doing? Creating scalable websites whose hit numbers
>> go
>>> from 10s of thousands to 10s of millions. Growing - expected to
>> double
>>> in size in two years.
>>> Excellent benefits.
>>> Salary, depending on experience, to 95K + bonuses.
>>> All replies in confidence.
>>> -- 
>>> What's around the corner?  Arthur Kaye		    Concepts in Staffing v. 
>>> 212-293-4353	    9 E. 37th St. 2nd floor f. 212-652-0789	    New  
>>> York, NY 10016 kaye at           212-725-0300
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> -- 
> What's around the corner? Arthur Kaye		    Concepts in Staffing v. 
> 212-293-4353	    9 E. 37th St. 2nd floor f. 212-652-0789	    New  
> York, NY 10016 kaye at           212-725-0300
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