[nycphp-jobs] Pando hiring javascript / php lead web engineer

J J j2006riv at
Wed Jun 4 17:57:26 EDT 2008

 After conducting a search for one of my clients I have a senior-level OO
PHP 5/MySQL 5 Developer actively seeking a full time opportunity. If you
would like to see the resume, let me know.  It doesn't cost anything to


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Scott Trudeau"
  To: jobs at
  Subject: [nycphp-jobs] Pando hiring javascript / php lead web engineer
  Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2008 17:51:26 -0400

  I am leaving my post at Pando for a fresh set of challenges.  Here's
  the job posting.  Feel free to ping me with questions:

  Front End Web Developer (SoHo)

  Pando Networks is seeking a razor sharp front-end web engineer to
  join our rock star R&D team to build user experiences to match our
  best of breed peer assisted content delivery platform. You will build
  Javascript libraries and PHP frontends and work with high profile
  customers to "Pando enable" their video and file delivery on the web.

  We're looking for somebody with proven front-end engineering
  experience. Are you comfortable working with and writing
  standards-compliant HTML and CSS? Are you intimate with major web
  browsers and their quirks? Do you have solid Javascript experience?
  Does PHP MVC frameworks make you tick ? And are you looking for a
  startup environment where you will learn fast and will make a big
  contribution in a new and growing space? You've found it.

  * Solid grasp of HTML / CSS, major browsers and their many quirks
  * In-depth JavaScript, DOM (e.g., "I write jQuery plugins")
  * PHP 5 and PHP frameworks (e.g. CodeIgniter, Cake etc..)
  * ActionScript proficiency is a big plus. AS 3.0 knowledge is a plus
  * Eagerness and ability to learn quickly and write reusable code
  * Team player

  Pluses include experience with:
  * jQuery (and/or other, similar javascript libraries)
  * ActionScript and Flex
  * Variety of Flash (and/or Silverlight) video players
  * Professional services / third party web integration
  * Creating optimal UX for existing java applets, browser plugins,
  ActiveX Controls, software installation
  * *nix command line
  * Version control systems (subversion or others)

  You will work as our head web engineer in our offices in the heart of
  Soho, in New York City.
  This is a full time in-office employment opportunity. No contractors

  To apply send your resume and links of your work (if available) to
  careers at

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