[nycphp-jobs] Diversified Web Developer Seeks New Challenging Projects

Peter Sawczynec ps at
Mon Jun 9 20:38:00 EDT 2008

I am a 24/7 web developer. Well-rounded and experienced in PHP, Flash,
SQL, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, DHTML, CSS. 

Design, program and maintain commercial business web sites for
government, associations, real estate and specialty retail. 


More than just a coder; provide creative leadership, integrated
marketing concepts, and copy for digital environments. 


Also adept at database admin and sys admin incl.: Apache, IIS and MySQL.


Several years quality track record working expeditiously over long
distances with clients via email and teleconference. 


See my resume online here:

Projects portfolio direct link at:

General web site:


I am living/working on the central Gulf Coast of Florida and can commute
effectively for projects to other Sun Coast 

cities such as Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Ft. Myers
and Naples.  Of course, I can telecommute anywhere. 


I am open to hearing about full-time in my area too. 


If you have work overflow or need a web site generally revitalized,
freelance or full-time, please think of the Florida Sun Coast, 

think of me.


References available upon request. 


Warmest regards, 


Peter Sawczynec 

Technology Dir.

Sun-code Interactive 


 <mailto:ps at> ps at


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