[nycphp-jobs] - Seeking PHP Developer

TickerHound HR hireme at
Tue Mar 4 15:10:02 EST 2008

Imagine a place where anybody could come and ask any personal finance or
investing question they ever had and get a real answer to it. Now imagine
they didn't have to pay thousands of dollars for that advice -- that's
exactly what we've built at TickerHound. is one of the world's first free education platforms for
investors. We're growing rapidly and are looking for highly motivated,
self-directed people who have a passion for helping others learn and grow.
Ideal candidates will be self-starters, very familiar with the internet and
be an avid user of sites like Facebook and MySpace.

We're building something that will fundamentally change the investing
education market and we hope you'll become a part of our mission to educate
and empower individual investors.

Definitely check the site out – you'll see all kinds of great information on
investing and managing your personal finances.  Heck, go ahead and ask a
question – you'll get real answers from real people, before you know it.

Do you like what we're working on?  Want to get involved?  Are you someone

* Is sick of working at a big technology company where it takes FOREVER to
see your vision made into a reality?

* Wants to work at a start-up where you'll be in on the ground floor of a
software application that will literally change how millions of people
invest their money?

* Thinks independently and truly loves coming up with solutions to complex

TickerHound is looking for a rock star software developer who:

* Has experience in developing robust, scalable PHP applications

* Understands data modeling and knows how to write efficient SQL queries and

* Has developed on a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack before

* Can integrate backend code with a frontend interface using HTML, CSS and

If you think you fit the bill and are willing to work in an aggressive, fast
paced environment in the heart of New York's Silicon Alley, then submit your
resume now to hireme at

We can't wait to speak with you!
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