[nycphp-jobs] JOB - NYC - Sr. Ruby On Rails Web Developer Wanted for Innovative Internet Technology Firm

carolmtaylor at carolmtaylor at
Fri May 30 13:50:34 EDT 2008

This is a job posting for an internet technology firm. But not just ANY internet technology firm. It's a group of innovators: art directors, developers, industrial designers, interactive artists, animators and more. At its core, the work is a creative, artistic enterprise. But we strive for the perfect marriage of creative and technology, with interactivity as their canvas. We've found international fame with our uniformly compelling and innovative web projects in the past few years. We make websites. Viral marketing. Television spots. Software. Interactive Films. Even Installation art. In fact, we've received critical acclaim for some of our more well-known installation art work. In a different twist on interactive art, we recently released a beta of our iTunes visualizer Magnetosphere as our first foray into interactive software as art.
Our next goal is a bit less lofty, but no less important: to hire some terrific web developers to join our NYC, Boston & San Francisco offices. Working for ad agencies and big brands, you'll often have to develop within existing infrastructures, so a variety of skills are needed. The ideal candidate will be at home in a multi-disciplinary environment, working on an interesting array of ecclectic projects with tight deadlines and being part of the creative process. The ideal person will have 3-5 years' experience with 2 or 3 of the following: Ruby on Rails, PHP, .Net, Cocoa/Obj-C; 3 - 5+ years' experience doing Web work; and advertising/brand experience is always a plus. 

Does this sound like an interesting gig to you? If so, drop me a line at CarolMTaylor at, along with your resume--- and we'll take it from there. 
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