[nycphp-jobs] Hourly rate for PHP freelancer

Nathan Lebovic nathan at
Mon Nov 3 10:22:16 EST 2008

Hey everyone,

This may be opening a can of worms, but what would you say is a reasonable
hourly rate for the following developer:

- 5+ yrs experience with PHP/MySQL (inc. understanding of MySQL query
optimization with complicated JOINs, etc)
- Good knowledge of various MVC frameworks
- Strong HTML/CSS/JS/XML skills
- Understanding of W3C standards
- Basic Linux server administration
- Strong e-commerce experience

All provided references have sung his praises. The position would be taking
over development of a PHP e-commerce web site. Includes bug fixing, creating
new features, etc, on a somewhat regular basis. Also includes writing
front-end (XHTML valid HTML/CSS with JS framework for effects), managing SVN
and maintaining the web site's dedicated server.

Any idea on what range we should expect to pay?


- Nathan

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