[nycphp-jobs] Full-time position: PHP Developer, Jersey City

Tom Hughes THughes at
Fri Oct 24 12:22:42 EDT 2008

The Connors Group, an online publisher, is looking for a motivated and
creative PHP Developer who is interested in open source programming, is
a code writing guru and is excited by a 'greenfield' opportunity. If you
have experience with popular CMS & blogging applications, and are
looking for a fast-paced environment with rewarding benefits and good
pay, this position may be for you.

The ideal candidate will have at least 1 year of full-time development
experience with PHP. An understanding of Web 2.0 technology, database
architecture and clean, maintainable code will be crucial to success.

PHP development experience must include usage of version 5.x and its
object oriented features. A solid understanding of the latest MySQL is
required; candidates must know how to write, maintain and optimize
queries with multi-table joins. Connors Group in Jersey City is a great
startup-like situation with a clean technology slate and the stability
of an established and successful business.  Recent market turmoil has
increased demand for our products and services, which help traders
exploit market opportunities created by this unprecedented volatility.

These skills are an absolute must:

	Web 2.0 concepts, dynamic user interfaces
	Subversion (SVN)
	Great English skills
	Used to work with request trackers (i.e. Mantis, BugZilla)
	Used to work driven by English-language specification documents

Experience with Drupal is a plus.

Send your resume with salary history to php at for prompt
consideration. Please send online samples of your work along with a
complete resume. Job applicants only, no agencies, no recruiters, no
development firms or offshore/outsource providers.

Applicants should be able to work full-time in our Jersey City office.
We are proud to be an equal-opportunity employer.

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