[nycphp-jobs] Talented/Affordable European Development Team - PHP, JAVA, MYSQL, AJAX C++ etc...

Greg title819 at
Fri Apr 3 08:31:19 EDT 2009

Hey Guys --

Our development team that we've been working with for a year now is looking
for some new and exciting projects/ventures.  We're helping them spearhead
the search and vetting process.  They are top notch talent and very
affordable.  Communication is great and they have always hit our deadlines.
Our partnership with them has been critical to the recent success of our
early-stage venture.

Past projects they developed include:
Qloud (Steve Case backed and acquired by Buzz Media last year)
Flipkey (Acquired by TripAdvisor last year)

They also have significant experience with large-scale integrations and SaaS

If you're looking for talented developers and would like to learn more, let
me know.  I'll be happy to make the intro.

title819 at
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