[nycphp-jobs] Couple resume questions

Abby Knight aknight at
Thu Mar 5 12:13:34 EST 2009

Well put Victor.


I am a Recruiter and totally agree on all points.

Warmest Regards,


Abby Knight

EQQUS Technologies

650-234-1000 ext. 355

aknight at



-----Original Message-----
From:Victor Olteanu victor.olteanu at 
To: "Leam Hall" <leam at>;
Cc: "jobs at" <jobs at>;
Sent: Mar 5, 2009 05:58:06 AM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-jobs] Couple resume questions

What I'm looking for usually when hiring (as a tech lead, not as a recruiter)

- actual examples of projects worked on (preferably similar in complexity and technologies with what we use)

- understanding of concepts (OO, best practices, algorithms, ..)

- ability to work well in teams

- willingness and ability to learn

Regarding formats, I like things that are concise but not overly concise. The resume of an experienced developer HAS to mention the projects they've worked on (with a summary of what their role was, the technologies used, and preferably URLs to the site.) So it's a matter of, as Einstein said, keeping things "as simple as possible but not simpler"

I don't believe in .doc cover letters and I think they are b.s. and outdated. Instead, you can put in the email that contains your resume, a short statement about why you're applying. If you're not emailing (e.g. if you have your resume on a jobs site) just add that info in the objective section of the resume on the first page.



On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 6:54 AM, Leam Hall <leam at>

For those of you reviewing potential candidates, can I get some of your thoughts on what helps you identify the right person?

Historically I've been told resumes should be 2 pages and no more. Recruiters want me to expand mine and one sent me a 7 page sample! Mine would be about 4-5 pages if I used a reasonable amount of white space and organization. So "What length do you prefer?" is the simple question.

The second one is a bit more open-ended; but is mostly "What formats help you understand the applicant quickly and clearly?" That is, cover letter first, skills first, experience first, education, or accomplishments? Or something totally different?

Probably the more potent question is, "What tells you a candidate is passionate about helping your situation?" One manager I had shared that he wanted someone who did the same stuff at home as at work. He had a good crew and most of us fit that bill. :)

I appreciate your thoughts on this. As a job seeker any help working through the market troubles helps.

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