[nycphp-jobs] Couple resume questions

Daniel Max Kestin danielmax at
Thu Mar 5 13:10:27 EST 2009

My $0.02:

The consultant's answer:  It depends.

I keep two forms of my resume... a brief "2 pager" that sums up very briefly
my jobs, skils, projects, education, etc...
And I keep a 4-5 pager beast because frequently enough recruiters will read
the 2-pager and tell me that it's too brief.
I tend to agree that in my wanderings over 10 years, nobody has expected a 1
page resume from me - and more often I get flack of the 2 pager being to
brief.  If you're graduating from college, it should be 1 page... past that,
it's depends.

Last year when I was searching, I got tired of guessing which form was
needed and I often sent both versions.  Probably the better thing to do is
feel out the situation and send the one that is the best match.  Perhaps a
rule of thumb is if it's a highly techy job, send the detailed one... and if
it's a higher-level management job or consulting gig, send the briefer one.

URLs... I don't really think it matters if you put them into the resume or
not.  Most of the apps I have worked on sit behind corporate firewalls or
require logins and I can't release useful URLs to them anyway.  I feel like
if you've worked on an easy-to write website (eg: or and that website IS the company you have worked for then,
sure list the URL.  Otherwise, just describe the project.

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