[nycphp-jobs] Very, very senior PHP developer wanted

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed May 27 11:17:03 EDT 2009


Hi everyone,

I'm looking for someone to head my development teams on the PHP side,
and am running out of available candidates to look at. I'm reaching
out to you hoping that some of you are not necessarily actively
looking, but are keeping your eyes open for possible opportunities to
grow, expand and learn.

The official blurb:

JetSetter is aggressively building a software development team in New
York City. If you are a talented, motivated engineer comfortable
across the end-to-end technology stack, we want to talk to you. We’re
a PHP shop, but it’s more important to us that you are versatile
across languages and technologies. Interest in (and, better yet,
experience with) agile methodologies and test driven development is
important to us. We’re building something that needs to scale to
thousands of requests per second, so it’d be good if you had some
experience scaling systems to that level (i.e. caching strategies,
thin server architecture). Parts of our system will probably also
require experience in Joomla!, Javascript, MongoDB, Project Voldemort,
and Amazon’s cloud computing services, so skills in those areas will
not go wasted.

Our offices are in the flatiron area in midtown Manhattan, just a few
blocks from Union Square. Our work environment is casual, fun, and
most importantly free of bureaucracy and overhead. In addition to
competitive compensation, our benefits package includes medical,
dental and prescription drug plans, a 401(K) plan, and more. JetSetter
is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

My summary:

Absolute necessities are PHP5.2+, deep understanding of object
methodologies, experience with MVC frameworks, keen awareness of
design patterns (and when to use them, as well as when not to), a deep
philosophical commitment to the KISS principle, and the crossover
ability to not only design and implement simple, beautiful things that
scale but lead and mentor teams to accomplish those lofty goals.
Equally important is your desire for knowledge and learning, as well
as the uncontrollable urge to share that with others.

This is a ground-up leadership opportunity, where getting in now will
be rewarded as the business grows. We're basically relaunching a
business that has already grown to 130+ people and generated $80M in
annual revenues after only 18 months of operation, by retailing
apparel in the luxury space via curated, tasteful approach. We get to
honor the ages-old preference of web developers and yell "Do over!",
but this time specifically for very high end, exclusive travel. If you
wanted to build your own development organization in a startup that
was willing to challenge common notions of how things are supposed to
be done, then you and I need to talk.

In closing, I was drawn to this opportunity as I can remain
technically involved in implementation, while still being involved in
an executive role. If you are similarly inclined to straddle that
developer/manager fence, then again, you and I need to talk.

Mitch Pirtle
CTO, JetSetter
A Gilt Groupe company
mpirtle at

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