[nycphp-jobs] LAMP/Web Developer - NYC/DC Metro

Matt Frazier matt.frazier at
Wed Oct 14 10:35:49 EDT 2009

I'm seeking a web application/web UI developer ninja of surpassing quality. I need an AJAX/XSLT/DHTML juggernaut who can select, customize & maintain a product-specific LAMPish solution, work closely with folks in our Consulting organization to rapidly prototype web applications leveraging our enterprise security appliance combined with consulting kickassery (and preferably hold their own in at least one of: beer pong, bughouse chess, or basketball).

    View the job at (excerpt below)

    Email resumes to recruiting at<mailto:recruiting at>.

    Read more about MANDIANT, a boutique information security consulting firm:
    * MANDIANT Intelligent Response enterprise incident response system (
    * Publications (
    * Press (

Web Developer (PROD0500)

This position will work closely with our Consulting organization who use MIR on a daily basis to bring their field-developed REST+MIR solutions into the product mainline, build new solutions based on product roadmap and individual innovation and enhance appliance-based web offerings and leverage web technologies to develop the next generation of our software.

* Expert knowledge of development languages prevalent in web development such as PHP and JavaScript (also Perl, Python, Ruby).
* Background developing web applications using a LAMP stack (or similar) with a strong focus on rapid prototyping, database modeling, standards-based presentation (CSS, JavaScript, DHTML), JSON and AJAX
* Strong understanding of Linux web server and application server solutions.
* Experience with modern service-oriented architecture and data exchange technologies, such as JSON, XML, DOM parsing models, and XSLT transformations.
* Familiarity with Windows platforms including Windows XP, Server 2003, and Vista.
* Strong understanding of data management and abstraction; familiarity with SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL).
* Experience developing applications using HTTP and Representational State Transfer (REST)
* Strong debugging skills using industry standard tools.
* Experience working in a tightly integrated team, including
familiarity with iterative and agile software development methods.

* Experience with advanced streaming and schema-aware XSLT processors.
* Background in developing scalable solutions for large infrastructure management problems (e.g., enterprise systems management or security monitoring tools).
* Background in information security disciplines, such as digital forensics, application/systems assessments, and incident response.
* Familiarity with .NET Framework, C#, C++ and C.

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