[nycphp-jobs] Doc to HTML and future php dev opportunity

PHProx nycfug_org at
Mon Sep 7 01:41:15 EDT 2009

Hey Sharkbait, perhaps I could save you some cash-

Assuming you are trying to make a web site out of the documents, this would be really easy to automate using the wiki function of the Vork PHP framework ( which lets you paste Word documents into a WYSIWYG textbox and it will convert it to XHTML-valid markup before creating your wiki page. Just install Vork, create a new controller and set it to be a wiki (just add to an action- get::component('wiki')->wiki();   ) and then navigate to the page and use the wiki interface to add a new wiki page for each Word document.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sharkbait Jobs 
  To: jobs at 
  Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2009 1:52 PM
  Subject: [nycphp-jobs] Doc to HTML and future php dev opportunity

  Hi guys,

  I need someone to convert Word documents to standard compliant HTML. This pays $20 per page. If you know how to write standard compliant HTML and want to make some extra cash this should be easy money. I estimate 20-30 minutes per page. I am not talking about using the "save as HTML" in Word. I need hand written STANDARD COMPLIANT HTML. 

  This company is a start up so there will be PHP dev opportunities going forward. Ideally applicants should have php skills and understand what standard compliant HTML means. 

  To apply send a resume and an example, both the word doc and the HTML equivalent. The Word doc should include at least a single graphic and more than a paragraph of text. Just put the image(s) and html in the same dir and zip it up with the Word doc. If you want an example doc to work from email me.

  I apologize in advance if this is slightly off topic, my goal is to find a PHP developer who wants to make some quick cash immediately and have some programming opportunities down the road.



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