[nycphp-jobs] PHP developer wanted

Jordan D. Rosenberg jordandrosenberg at
Mon Apr 26 18:02:02 EDT 2010

I am looking for a programmer/designer to help in creating an innovative
departure from the typical format of a messageboard.  I am looking for a
talented person capable of creating a good-looking and functional new
paradigm for internet help.  


The site, though cleanly designed, will contain some moving parts (CSS) and
be connected to a functional and sensible SQL or mySQL database.  I am not
particular about which framework within PHP is used, Symfony, was my initial
inclination but Zend is also fine.    


Expertise in incorporating various payment components into the DNA of the
site is an absolute must. At the minimum this means paypal.  Experience with
PCI-compliance is a big plus but regular familiarity with payment portals is
also acceptable.  


If you have the design, back-end, and commerce expertise I'm looking for,
please drop me a line at  <mailto:jordandrosenberg at>
jordandrosenberg at with some of your qualifications/portfolio and we
can begin discussing time-frame and budget.  




Jordan Rosenberg


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