[nycphp-jobs] Startup looking for a Javascript/JQuery master

jobs at jobs at
Fri Apr 30 13:55:33 EDT 2010

Naama Networks is a early stage startup focused on the online restaurant
industry. We're looking for a javascript/jquery ninja to develop our web
application. If every full page reload pains you, if you dream about DOM
manipulation like it's Tetris, if you've got javascript running through
your veins - we need you on our team.

We're building our team of rock star developers and are looking for
jquery ninja to take control of our web application and make it as
responsive, robust and standards compliant as possible. In particular
we're looking for:

- an abiding love of client side programming
- deep and wide experience with jquery, UI and its assorted plugins
- expert, practical knowledge of standards, html, css and cross-browser
- intiative, if you're working on something we want to know about the
things we forgot to think about and how to make it even better
- a proven track record, be sure to send us pointers to examples of some
of your favourite work

Bonus round:

- experience with GIT
- understanding of backend development with linux, mysql, apache and
- understanding of the pros and cons of such things as json, protocol
buffers, soap

The job is contract to hire. You must be in NYC. We're looking forward
to hearing from you!

Please email your resume to us, the subject should say [js developer].
jobs at

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