[nycphp-jobs] 3 week temp to perm MySQL/PHP developer needed for gaming project at Freeverse (Dumbo Brooklyn)

Jesse Sanford jessesanford at
Tue Aug 10 16:32:09 EDT 2010

The project will involve taking a legacy gaming platform and making some
performance modifications. Experience with the different mysql storage
engines is needed. The platform is currently using MyISAM and is running
into lock contention issues. Will need to migrate all tables over to InnoDB,
perform regression tests and any code updates needed. In addition There are
small feature requests that may be needed.

The ideal candidate will have 3+ years of production LAMP stack experience.

Extra bonus points for knowing how to performance test the LAMP stack... in
particular Mysql.

Symfony experience is a plus!

Onsite only please.

No third parties or recruiters. Sorry!

Please contact Justin[a+] and reference this job posting.
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