[nycphp-jobs] GiftFlow - looking for a programmer in NYC

Hans Schoenburg hans at
Thu Aug 12 18:00:05 EDT 2010

Interested in programming for a non-profit start-up?

GiftFlow is an online gift economy where users give what they can to get
what they need. It is a market of free stuff, a social network of trust, and
a community of giving. It is a web application that strengthens community
interdependence, prevents waste and reduces costs.

Our site is still in development, but you can check out how much we have so
far. Our goal is to integrate local community organizations and non-profits
so they can list their needs and receive support from their communities
through GiftFlow.

We are looking for PHP developers to contribute to the project! Right now,
the closest we have to a social-network based gift economy is CouchSurfing,
but it is limited to hospitality. We need help to build the first gift
economy, complete with unique user identities and a reputation system, open
to all goods and services.

Ideally we are looking for volunteers (like the rest of us) who are willing
to contribute. If you are interested, please email me - hans [at] giftflow
[dot] org


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