[nycphp-jobs] Freelance PHP/Front End And Server Admin Wanted

Brooklyn PHP dumbo.php at
Mon Jun 28 15:38:28 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,

I recently joined a fantastic little company in Dumbo, Brooklyn. We
are seeking local freelancers for the roles listed below. Salary will
be market rate, commensurate with experience. Benefits include:
payment every Monday, relaxed working environment, some telecommuting
possible. If you are seeking to supplement other employment (like a
9-5 gig or freelance clients) we can work with you to accommodate
scheduling. If you would like more information, email me at
dumbo.php at and I will tell you more about our company and
these positions. Send resume with samples of prior work (code samples,
etc.) I'm looking to set up interviews for this Wednesday and

1. Intermediate to Advanced level front end/php developer. Familiarity
with OS Commerce and Magento is ideal. We have some relatively small
jobs that need attention asap, such as certain front end updates. We
also need to evaluate our current website code, so we can decide
whether to optimize the current site or rebuild from scratch. This
would ideally lead into larger projects and a more permanent role with
our company. Excellent communication skills are a plus. We would
initially work on a pay-as-you-go basis, where you would be paid by
the hour or by the project.

2. Lead Linux Server Admin.
We're looking for someone we can contact with reasonable notice (and
possibly emergencies) via email, phone or IM and ask to do a job on
the server. This work would ideally be done on an hourly basis. You
will also be responsible for ongoing maintenance of the server, in
exchange for a monthly retainer fee. If you're interested, shoot me
and email and let's discuss the nitty gritty details.

Local to Brooklyn is ideal but any qualified tri-state areas
candidates will be welcomed. No firms please, no recruiters.

Thank you,

Beth Stevens
Human Resources and Talent Management
dumbo.php at

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