[nycphp-jobs] Full time PHP Engineering role 95K - 120K

Kainne Hansbury khansbury at
Fri Sep 10 11:10:19 EDT 2010

Startup enthusiasts take note, this is a great chance to get in on the ground floor of a 1 year old startup in NYC that is already delivering a high-end consumer experience, which has resulted in profitability at this early stage of my client's evolution.  I am not looking for Rockstar, Ninja or coders who wear tight leather pants and ski masks to work.  I am looking for a smart PHP engineer with a solid understanding  of scalable web development and the ability to communicate effectively.  The platform is a high volume low latency transactional system.  The team size is about 20 people.   Competitive offers come with stock options. 


This PHP development position reports to the Vice President of Engineering whom we placed into his current role.   You will be joining a team of engineers who were recruited out of brand name companies and have enthusiastically signed up for something they believe will be great. 


Technical requirements for this role include:

	- 3 - 5 years of experience working on the LAMP stack. 

	- Strong server side and database development experience. 

	- An interest in architecture and debunking the myth that PHP does not scale.  

	- Experience with 1 or more Content Management System.

	- The ability to discuss how PHP compiles and a strong grasp of HTTP Protocol 


Kainne E. Hansbury
khansbury at

Find me on LinkedIn:

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