[nycphp-jobs] Looking for Both Employment and Temporary Short-Term (1-2 Week) Contract/Freelance PHP Development Projects

Edward Prevost Me at
Mon Apr 4 20:45:43 EDT 2011

 Oh please make it stop!

On 4/4/2011 8:37 PM, Matt Kaufman wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Matt Kaufman and I have lived and been active in the New
> York City area since 2005.  For the past 3 years I have worked on
> research deepening and strengthening my development and system skills
> in the area of PHP, packet-level protocol work, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB,
> (and other DB's), Linux, DNS, Mail, Squid, ICAP (Greasyspoon),
> RabbitMQ, Solr/Sphinx, and a multitude of too many other protocols,
> services and packages to list out right now.  With the point being, if
> you have a specialty technology, framework or detail to your project
> or work that you require; especially in the specialty skill-set
> requirement specific, please ask me as I am maybe the guy that can
> complete your job or task or give the correct input.
> I am looking for fast-fill contract and or freelance development
> projects in LAMP and the sorts..... That can hold my stay off here in
> New York up until the point that I find and place myself in a
> permanent employment with a company deserving it here in the city. 
> I value input, feedback and response from all; including potential
> permanent employers, as well as anybody requiring contract or
> freelance development. 
> *Please use the following as my contact:*
> *Email:* mkfmncom at <mailto:mkfmncom at>
> *Mobile:* 1-347-447-4542 <tel:1-347-447-4542>
> I've attached my resume in PDF (previously) but due to size
> restrictions or size restrictions pending moderation, I've uploaded
> the PDF to Google Documents and it is viewable here:
> <>
> My LinkedIn profile can be viewed at
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