[nycphp-jobs] looking to post a PHP MySQL consulting opportunity (LAMP environment)

Matt Sitelman matt.sitelman at
Thu Apr 21 18:25:54 EDT 2011

I am looking for a PHP MySQL developer who is comfortable in the Linux
world.  This person would work with me to put the finishing touches on a new
product release, and then help me enhance it with new features/functionality
over time, including an e-commerce module.    I am looking for someone with
two to three years of development experience if it is a sharp individual.
I'd start the relationship with a part time schedule that, if it works out,
can go temp (even part time) to perm with possible equity stake for a
superior performer.




Matthew Sitelman, Partner
MealMobs, Inc.
 <mailto:Matt.Sitelman at> Matt.Sitelman at 


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