[nycphp-jobs] PHP Developer w/ building scalable application in cloud environment

matthew chun matthew at
Fri Feb 18 14:16:37 EST 2011

 Hello. We¹re an award-winning, boutique digital agency in NYC, looking for
a solid PHP developer to work with our team.
 It's a short- to long-term [engagement/position] if the candidate is the
right fit for the team.
 In the short-term:
* Lead development of LAMP-based applications
* Collaborate with our team to build and extend existing applications
 The following skills are required for the position:
* 5 or more years of PHP web development experience, and development
experience with at least one other programming language/platform (Ruby,
Python, Java Servlets and JSPs, Perl, ASP.NET, etc.)
* experience developing with PHP development frameworks (e.g., CakePHP,
CodeIgniter, Zend Framework, etc.)
* experience in OO development and patterns, in particular MVC
* experience designing and developing web applications using MySQL and at
least one other RDBMS (Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, etc.)
* experience designing and developing web applications using cloud
computing, storage APIs and multi-tier architectures (AWS S3, EC2, SDB,
etc., Rackspace cloudserver, cloudfiles, etc.)
* experience with collaborative development using revision control software
(Subversion, git, CVS)
* experience configuring and maintaining Apache and MySQL server software
* experience developing/deploying on Unix and Unix-like environments
* experience writing technical and functional specifications; API and
application documentation
* experience managing/mentoring junior developers
* ability to assist with job sizing
* experience creating and debugging valid HTML4, XHTML1, HTML5, CSS2/3,
JavaScript, XML syndication (RSS, Atom), AJAX (with XML and JSON)
 If you¹re interested, please email your CV, links to relevant work, code
samples, availability, rate or salary requirements.
 Subject line ³PHP developer² to humanresources at
 Please, NO RECRUITERS or agencies.

Matthew Chun,  President / Creative Director

We Build Brand Relationships

260 west 35th street, Suite 303
New York  NY  10001
P.  212-260-6454 x. 111
F.  212-260-6552 <> 

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