[nycphp-jobs] Grovo - NYC Startup seeking LAMP engineer

Surag Mungekar surag at
Wed Jan 5 20:12:20 EST 2011

Hi All,

I'm the cofounder and CTO of Grovo.  We're New York based, closing our seed
round of financing, and are seeking a senior LAMP engineer.  We're a
hard-working group of people with diverse backgrounds, and we work in a fun
startup environment.  See position information below, you can apply here:

Grovo is an online education and training platform that helps people use the
best websites quickly and intelligently. We produce our own video and
interactive content. We have over 350 2-minute video lessons, 30 courses,
Certifications, and are moving quickly.

We launched our beta product on October 20th and have garnered media
coverage in the NY Times, CNET, PC World, and Good, among others ( Earlier this month, we won the
NY Vator Splash start up competition (

Position description:

Senior LAMP Engineer

-Extend our web application using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and other
-Write clean, maintainable code in a professional engineering environment
(source control, dev/stage/prod release cycle)
-Develop creative solutions to tackle challenges that involve search, API
development, data warehousing and more
-Scale our Amazon Web Services infrastructure
-Implement monitoring systems and perform UNIX system administration
-Optimize our deployment process
-Unit and integration testing

-3+ years experience with LAMP and a Javascript framework (JQuery)
-Experience developing with an MVC framework
-2+ years experience configuring AWS (EC2, EBS, ELB, RDS, S3)
-Familiar with search technologies Lucene/Solr, semantic web, key-value data
store such as Redis, and API development
-Comfortable with Agile/SCRUM process
-Located in NYC/Metro area

Nice to Have
-Flash video player experience
-Knowledge of iPhone/Android SDK and mobile web development

Surag Mungekar

Surag Mungekar
Co-founder and CTO
Grovo Learning, Inc.

mobile: 201.873.7106
eFax:   678.960.1869
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