[nycphp-jobs] Wanted: Business Insider Seeks Experienced PHP Coders

Pax Dickinson pax at
Wed Jul 6 14:06:15 EDT 2011

Business Insider is looking for two awesome experienced backend PHP
developers to join the fast-paced and exciting world of being an
engineer at a journalism startup.

We're looking for some strong PHP developers who have tech chops, a
startup mindset, and the ability to work hard and play hard. Business
Insider is a great place to work. We're laid back, we don't let
bureaucracy get in our way, and we play-ping pong in the office every
day. It's honestly one of the best places I've ever worked,

Since the last time I put the word out looking for engineers back in
September, our page view traffic has almost doubled and our unique
visitors per month have almost tripled. It's an exciting time to be
here, and we face unique challenges every day due to the demands of
our huge audience and the 24/7 news cycle.

The tech team also handles basic administration of our scalable server
infrastructure, and we get exposure to cutting edge technology such as
MongoDB, due to our close association with 10gen. Our product team
pushes the boundary on feature development, resulting in a varied and
interesting assortment of tech challenges to solve.

Position requirements are as follows:

Skilled back-end programmers who can write lean object-oriented PHP 5 code
Strong front-end JavaScript and CSS knowledge a plus
Broad understanding of web architecture and how it applies to scalability
Enjoys building user-focused interfaces, using Ajax when appropriate
Experience with systems administration of Linux servers a plus
Experience with NoSQL document-based DB stores such as MongoDB a major plus
Objective-C iPhone/iPad development experience also a major plus
Strong communication skills
Based in New York -- you will need to be able to work out of our
office on Park Avenue South. Some telecommuting is fine.

We offer a competitive salary and good benefits. Please email a cover
letter, resume, and a short code sample to pax at
Thanks in advance.

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