[nycphp-jobs] Summer internships with Google Summer of Code: college & grad students

Sumana Harihareswara sumanah at
Mon Mar 14 19:14:20 EDT 2011

I'll be administering some Google Summer of Code work this year, so I'd 
like to recruit students to consider applying.  GSoC details:

It's never too early to start thinking about summer internships!  And 
don't worry too hard about qualifications:  
[] "Do you 
have SOME programming experience at the university level? Then, yes, you 
are good enough! No, you don't need to be a Computer Science or IT 
major."  Graduate students and community college students all over the 
world are eligible: 

Payment is $5000 in total.

If you already know PHP and you're interested, email me off-list so I 
can talk to you about MediaWiki, CiviCRM, or Open Web Analytics work.  
I'm administering MediaWiki's GSoC project as part of my work with the 
Wikimedia Foundation.

If you don't know PHP, look at what organizations mentored GSoC projects 
last year 
and find one that matches your skills.  Then you can contact that 
project and start talking with them about this summer.  If you don't see 
anything you like in last year's list, check the site when this year's 
mentoring orgs get announced this Friday, March 18th.

Good luck,
Sumana Harihareswara

P.S.  If you want to help me by posting a flyer in your school: 

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