[nycphp-jobs] My resume

Hans Zaunere bulk at
Tue Oct 4 15:19:50 EDT 2011

Mr. PHPJobz,

If it's not on this list, then go away.

And everyone,

This list isn't a place for recruiters to "sell" people.

Follow these guidelines or we will moderate this list - very strictly:

-- If you have a specific open position, recruiters included, then you are
welcome to post it.

-- If you are an individual looking for work, then you are welcome to post
your availability.

-- No noise, rants, phishing - Nothing else.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: jobs-bounces at [mailto:jobs-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of Recruiter
> Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 3:57 PM
> To: jobs at
> Subject: [nycphp-jobs] My resume
> If anyone is looking for php/lamp developers, I have a bunch of
> candidates available right now and if none of them are good, I can
> source a bunch more.  I know where they hide and it's not on this list.
> My rates blow the competition out of the water so give me a shout and
> let's fill those positions!

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