[nycphp-jobs] [Jobs] Seeking open source enthusiasts to work with the PHP & MongoDB Communities

Meghan Gill meghan at
Sun Sep 25 17:17:33 EDT 2011

Hi all -

10gen develops and supports MongoDB, an open source, non-relational
database. We are hiring Language Evangelists to work with the PHP
community. The evangelists are responsible for not only working on the
MongoDB PHP driver but for being the liaison to the PHP community.

We expect evangelists to work on open source software as part of their
day-to-day activities. On one day, it might be building a cool sample
application to be used as an example in our docs, in a blog post, or
in a presentation. On another day, it might be working with existing
libraries and frameworks and integrating them with MongoDB. On yet
another, evangelists work on the MongoDB language driver itself.

The evangelists spend much of their time interacting with other
developers in the MongoDB community. We expect evangelists to be
engaged with their language community at conferences and meetups
around the world. Evangelists also help our customers and users when
they require support.

This is an amazing opportunity for someone who likes variety in their
work, wants to get paid to work on open source software, and values
community engagement. If this describes you, please check out this
link for more details:

We are also hiring Java, Ruby, Python, and Perl evangelists. Please
get in touch with me if you want to learn more about these positions
or life at 10gen.


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