[nycphp-jobs] PHP and Rackspace

leam hall leamhall at
Tue Aug 28 10:10:38 EDT 2012

Morning all!

There's at least one Senior PHP type job at Rackspace:

There are other Software Dev jobs, check out:

If you want my opinion of working here, just pick a bunch of random words
and toss in "awesome" a lot. I really love the environment and my task
list. RAX was rated #8 in the top 25 places to work in the US and i believe
it. There are lots of big scale technical challenges to keep you busy.

The rank scale goes from I - IV, with the latter being more Senior
Architect than hands down coder. However, no one will complain if you code
too; the relationships and roles are flexible.


Mind on a Mission <>
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