Hans Zaunere bulk at
Sun Jan 29 20:04:56 EST 2012

> Seriously, what a waste of time.... wow...

Yeah, seriously, wow... Matt... you just posted three meaningless messages
to the list, defeating the whole purpose of what we're trying to do here.
Including forwarding someone's vacation response to the list...?  WHAT?

I don't get it - why is this list a magnet for trite meaningless posts?  It
doesn't happen on other lists - why this one?  And especially since you're
going to look like an idiot in front of prospective clients/employers.

If it has ever been unclear, let me restate what this list is for:

-- posting of available positions by employers, that relate to PHP
-- posting of specific positions by recruiters that relate to PHP
-- posting of resumes/availability of employment of INDIVIDUALS - do not
advertise here

I'm frankly getting tired of being a list mom for a list that's supposed to
be the most professional and straightforward for seeking work.  Really, it's

If it continues, I'll moderate the list, kick people without hesitation, and
possibly disband the list altogether.

If you have something to say about it, suggestions, etc. flame me offlist -
if you do it on the list, you're gone.


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