[nycphp-jobs] PHP Developer // Crime Fighter // Wearer of Ironic WordPress T-Shirts

Chris Sanborn chris at
Wed Jun 13 12:35:13 EDT 2012

Below is a position we are looking to fill ASAP...feel free to email
jobs at to apply.

PHP Developer // Crime Fighter // Wearer of Ironic WordPress T-Shirts

Sanborn Media Factory (, a 30-person
interactive creative agency based in midtown Manhattan. We create digital
campaigns and products in the form of sites, mobile apps, videos, social
campaigns, and experiential installations.

A decent human being in search of a good job with a shop that is big enough
to bite off important, stable and meaningful work and small enough to still
have fun doing it.

- We mostly do PHP and JavaScript. But were open: we keep it lean and get
the job done.
- Strong experience with a couple of frameworks and CMS's. Like...youve
used Wordpress, Drupal, CodeIgnitor, Laravel, SilverStripe, Symfony (or
Silex), Magento, etc, etc, you-get-the-point.
- You know what CSRF means and can think of 2 good ways to stop it.
Security is a part of how you build (basic form protection to hashing
sensitive info, to HMAC-SHA1 to oAuth).
- You know that the Cerberus of application performance tuning, horizontal
scaling, and overall robustness is a double-edged sword of glory and pain,
but you like the challenge, and caching is your friend.
- Attention to detail and what makes a good experience a great one.
- Understanding of QA/Testing - we distribute our QA workload here, so it's
a team effort. You'll be helping all of us build the best product possible.

Our house rules are simple but not for everyone:

- No shitheads allowed.
We have a shithead eco-flush system that targets douchebaggery and
assholery at its faintest signals and expunges it from our premises with an
all-natural, organic floodwater filtration pump. Upside: There are no
shitheads here. Downside: Downside? Dont be a shitheadthere is no downside.

- Honesty is paramount.
We get along and we constantly improve only because we don't bullshit each
other or our clients, we don't hide or say what we think others want to
hear. We do it with respect and we value truth, transparency and honesty
above all else.

- We do it live.
We're not reckless or fecklessbut we believe strongly in getting something
in our hands quickly and iterating (as opposed to
powerpointing/conceptualizing our way through life). This sometimes means
rapid prototyping a proof of concept in the morning, presenting it in the
afternoon and nailing it down for a launch by the end of the week.

- We do it together.
Our work is done in a giant fish bowl and we help each other solve problems
all day long. If you are more of a consolidated strike weapon and prefer to
move through the jungle alonewere probably not the place you want to hang
your hat.

The "human side" of this is very important to us (and if you are the right
person it will be vital to you as well). But needless to say if you are a)
a good person and b) someone who enjoys working within a team and c)
someone who gets their shit done and likes accountability as much as
visibility for kicking ass - we'd like to see you soon.

If you're interested in the position, please write to us knowing the

- The owner of the company (and the guy writing this post) will read ALL of
the applications first and pass on the ones that appear to be a match onto
the Technical Director. I will read every application - I always do, you
have my word.

- If you are interested in applying, please send a resume (if you have
one), some links to your work and whatever notes you want to pass on about
each and write me a note that does its best to convey who you are
underneath the layers of standard issue cover letter babble and HR bubble
wrap. Talk to me like a human being who values directness and using your
own words. If you need to use a four-letter word to effectively express a
previous engagement or an appropriately inappropriate metaphor to describe
your ideal work environment, I'll take that over what you would think I
typically "need to hear" in a job application. So have at it....but know
that I am really just looking for good, smart people who are in search of
the kind of special sauce we make here.

- Compensation is competitive and commensurate with experience (and
height). Full-time position with benefits but open to starting with a
freelance gig if wading into the water is preferred on both sides.

- Please respond to jobs at with "APOLLO CREED" in the
subject line of your response so I know that you read this whole thing and
that you are not a nefarious machine, a recruiter or a well-intentioned
company that is unwilling to understand I need a human being sitting in my
office to do this work I need done (not an off-shore firm).
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