[nycphp-jobs] Position at NYC Startup

Nicolas Galarza nicolas at
Fri Jun 15 11:43:48 EDT 2012


AngelPolitics is a technology startup based in NYC, founded in April 2011.
We are developing the political donor social graph in the US. We are a
political fundraising social network that empowers 10M donors to connect
with one another; discover candidates; and turn donations into smart
contributions. Equally, we offer the 76,000 candidates that run for office
every year, access to a vetted pool of political donors; providing them a
toolkit to optimize their fundraising in the network and engage supporters

AngelPolitics was founded by and led by Ricardo Garcia-Amaya and Jesse
Sandoval; seasoned entrepreneurs with achievements in technology,
consulting, political campaigning and political fundraising.

We recently were accepted into the Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator
(ERANYC). Over the next six months our team will be surrounded by smart
individuals building the next generation of startups.

We are gearing up to develop the most exciting tools the website will offer
over the next couple of months.


Serious developers that enjoy being part of a smart young startup with a
high-growth future.


1.    Database Architect (with the possibility to be our Chief Technology
Officer) with excellent skills in MySQL PHP, jQuery, JavaScript. Over 4
years of experience required.

Our architecture consist on a custom built REST API (PHP) and a MySQL dbase
and we look to perform multiple API integrations with multiple third
parties (Python is a plus).

*Duties include:*

·      Enhance, design, develop and implement the vision of the company
through dbase architecture and code.

·      Manage API integration for multiple public APIs.

·      In charge of the direction of the Database.

2.    Front-End Developers with excellent HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery
skills and meticulous code integrating the front end of a PHP site (Over 2
years of programming experience required).

*Duties include:*

·      Manage the front end and look and feel of our company’s website.

·      Work in coordination with the back end programmer to ensure the
information displays properly on the front end.

·      Ensure that the website’s features are properly functioning and

·      Fix current broken functionality on the website.

*Positions:* Fulltime, Part time or Summer Internship

*Major, concentration or department*: Computer Science

Interested candidates should contact me on this email address:
nicolas at

 *Nicolas Galarza*
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