[nycphp-jobs] Looking for a summer clerk/internship position for a 15 y/o

Google webmiester at
Tue Jun 26 19:11:06 EDT 2012


Good for him!

I wish him the best of luck! Don't get discouraged either.

(I also would like to mention that if he is willing to collect 
signatures for a candidate to appear on the New Jersey ballot in 
November your student would have an opportunity at $1.00 per signature 
to receive $100.00 for a day. He would have to collect 100 signatures of 
registered voters. Transportation to/from New York is provided.)

Kind regards,


On 6/26/2012 2:24 PM, Traffanstead, Mike wrote:
> I volunteer at a middle school in Bushwick and one of my graduating
> students is looking for an entry level job in the IT industry over the
> summer.
> He doesn't have development skills yet but he can do basic computer
> repair work and is looking for something that will get him a foot into
> the industry...  i.e. he won't have any objections to runner/go-fer
> work.
> He is a reliable, amiable clean-cut guy whose a fast learner.
> He is 15, but this would be during the summer the only restrictions
> are 40 hours max and 7am-9pm.
> This would need to be a paying position.
> If you have or know of any positions that might work for him, please
> let me know.
> Mike
> 347-772-8272
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