[nycphp-jobs] ** Looking for some PHP Help **

Frank Golia frankgol72 at
Mon Apr 22 20:41:49 EDT 2013


I am looking to develop a site similar to constant contact and need some
help determining the types of servers I need or hosting company. I would
like the ability for users to send out many emails simultaneously and
potentially in bulk.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what hosting company I would need or
server configuration so that my servers do not get flagged as spam and I
can guarantee that the emails show up in inboxes? I am pretty certain
hosting companies such as Go Daddy or 1 and 1 are not tailored for this
use, so i am hoping there are some thoughts on hosting companies that focus
on serving this type of business.

Also, if you have a strong resume or are interested in some php development
work, please send your information.

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