[nycphp-jobs] Senior PHP Developer in NYC

Peter O'Neill peter at
Wed May 29 16:02:44 EDT 2013

12 Month Contract for a Senior PHP Developer, self-driven individual who
will play an essential role in the continuous development of sophisticated
web applications.

This person will work in a small tight knit team of agile developers.   The
ideal candidate will have strong backend application experience including
database design, workflow, and web services using an established PHP
framework, very familiar with design patterns and OOP frameworks.
Individual must be very comfortable and seasoned at architecture. Individual
must be ready to be lead developer through long projects and have the
ability to lend insights into application design and how to take it to the
next level.

Skills Required:

*	Enjoys building larger applications from the ground-up with
experience in taking an application from specification to production.
*	Solid PHP 5, MySQL, HTML, XML, AJAX, and Web Service
*	Career experience with at least one established PHP framework such
as Kohana, Zend or Cake
*	Takes a modular approach to application and database design in order
to make future feature additions as simple and seamless as possible
*	Practical expertise in web design, application flow, and development
processes. Should write neat, flawless code.
*	Knowledge of basic Linux server administration such as installing
packages, SVN, restarting services, etc.
*	Knowledge of current website security threats/hacks and prevention
*	Experience with MongoDB a plus

Send resumes to submissions at

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