[nycphp-jobs] TONIGHT at nyphp - PHP Jobs Fair

Hans Z zaunere at
Thu Nov 21 09:19:04 EST 2013

Calling all recruiters, HR departments, and job-seekers!
Tonight at 6:30pm.

Sign-up Now:

Tonight we're going online with Videality to bring you the NYPHP
Virtual Job Fair.

Recruiters, hiring managers, and of course job-seekers are encouraged
to register and participate in this FREE online event.

Meet employers and candidates through a series of round-robin style
video interactions. Each participant will have a series of 8-10
meetings, where each meeting consists of a 5-minute live 1-on-1 video
conversation. At the end of the event, you'll receive contact
information for the people you've met, as well as any notes you've
saved about them.

See you "there",


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