[nycphp-jobs] Comixology is looking to hire a Senior PHP Developer

Anthony Wlodarski anthony at
Mon Oct 14 12:14:15 EDT 2013

Happy Monday everyone!  Comixology ( is looking to hire
a mid to senior level developer (will also talk to junior candidates as
well) for various roles in our technology division.  To give you guys a
brief tl;dr I'm looking for someone with good PHP skills, some database
skills (can build a normalized database schema if asked to), and someone
that wouldn't mind working with jQuery and CSS to make things look
aesthetically pleasing.  All of our tools are built in house and we
utilize Yii to deliver content across varying digital platforms
(web/ios/android).  If you are interested I have attached the official
specification as a text document.  The company is awesome to work for and
it is some of the most rewarding work I've done in my career and we are
looking to take it to the next level.  Email your resume to
awlodarski at and I'll forward it to the appropriate people in
the company and they will get in contact with you.

Anthony Wlodarski
Senior Web Developer @ Comixology
awlodarski at

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