[mambo] I wonder.

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Feb 25 01:10:16 EST 2005

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 00:00:47 -0500, Chris Hendry <chris.hendry at> wrote:
> Mitch, is all this info up at

Nope, and I can't think of a way to say it either. The problem at the
moment is that there is an absolute avalanche of information in the
forums, but there is no structure to it.

> The more and more that comes out of your mouth (or from your fingertips) the
> more and more you uncover about Mambo.  What can we do to get more of this
> info available?

Participate in this list :-)

I have grown to love the forums, as the information there is top
notch, but for people that are trying to get started with Mambo we
need a better way to answer those basic questions. This mailing list
helps me learn just what those questions are, and I hope to put
together articles and tutorials at the help.mambo site.

Remember, the mailing list is where the F.A.Q. is born...

-- Mitch

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