[mambo] next Mambo

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Fri Feb 25 01:47:23 EST 2005

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 01:40:33 -0500, inforequest
<hc1vdt402 at> wrote:
> What's the bottom line on infrastructure differences between current
> Mambo and next big release you mentioned? What should we *not* bet the
> farm on? I know there's a dedicated team for 4.5.x, but I am thinking
> underlying architecture not app/site development (like SEO
> considerations and such). Any insight you can share here?

Well, that is a toughie to answer, as I am not sure what you mean -
but here is a shot.

Mambo 5.0.0 is going to have a completely different ACL (Access
Control Lists) for authentication, which in turn will also require a
completely different implementation for roles and groups.

The third huge change is actually with the way content is stored, as
we are moving to a node-based schema - this means that we will have
each version of each item complete with who did what and when - so you
could say 5.0.0 provides the proper plumbing for a full-blown document
management platform.

Fourth huge change is the XML-RPC backend, allowing Mambo sites to
share data with each other (if desired) or one to use a fat-client
administration app (or maybe even a fat client publishing app).

The Fifth huge change was ADOdb, but we just did that for 4.5.3, and
expect that to be out in about a month.

Those are the huge changes that are taking place. There will be some
forced API changes (hence 5.0.0 instead of 4.6 etc.), and the database
will also go under the knife for some badly needed rationalization.

Is that what you were asking?

-- Mitch

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