[mambo] RE: why mambo?

Graham Spice graham at
Sat Feb 26 14:51:21 EST 2005

I originally chose Mambo for my users. I looked through other CMSs and 
was amazed and how good the backend admin looked and functioned. The 
existing 3PD for *nuke is amazing but it is a very difficult system to 
use. I miss the tons of addons that *nuke has available, but Mambo is 
getting there.

After using Mambo for over a year, I have stuck with it because of the 
intensely strong forum community and because of what Chris Hendry 
mentions below. Developing custom solutions for clients has never been 
easier. The framework of Mambo provides so many pieces to puzzle before 
you even arrive on the scene!

Graham Spice

Chris Hendry wrote:

>In the end it was the rapid development environment and low entry level (for
>development) that sold me on it.
>I can roll out custom components for clients in days instead of weeks, not
>having to worry about setting up an admin interface, authentication,
>widgets, paging, etc... 

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