[mambo] Admin interface hangs

leam at leam at
Sun Feb 27 21:49:59 EST 2005

The "remote" host is user:user private grou owned and it looks like the httpd procs are running as nobody. Odd that. I thought I had it give the file the requested permissions. In this case it would have to be world write-able. Bleagh...

The host thinks the older user interface was much easier to use. As he is not a developer but a businessman, useability is important.  :)



p.s.  FOr those of you following this saga, Mitch currently has access to both installs. I currently owe him a soda. That's where we stand at the moment. 


On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 09:23:18PM -0500, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 20:45:56 -0500, leam at <leam at> wrote:
> > More info, though I'm not sure what it means.
> > 
> > On the local machine and on the remote I open the template html editor. On both index.php is unwriteable. On the local machine there is a check box "Make unwriteable after saving". Not on the remote.
> > 
> > Any thoughts on where this comes from? The remote machine is hanging. It is, in all other respects that come to mind a plain vanilla install.
> That would tell me that the template's index.php is not writable by
> the apache user. Can you double check directory and file permissions
> on the server?
> > I wonder if it has anything to do with all the sessions left laying around in /tmp? Could it be that the ones in /tmp that are owned by root and perms 600?
> Nah, sessions have nothing to do with apache trying to write to a php
> file in the document root. I would take a look at /templates/ and
> inside, to see if the apache user can write to them.
> I have a stock 4.5.1a on my laptop, and cannot replicate the problem
> (ditto for two other linux servers, one FC1 and another FC2) - this is
> the main reason that no one has offered a solution, because it is such
> a rare one. What blows me away is that the host thinks an old,
> unpatched version of Mambo is better than the newer, more secure (and
> patched) version.
> Can you give me access to a server that is having this problem?
> -- Mitch

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