[mambo] PHP Shop and CSV Mime Type Problem

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Mon Feb 28 18:15:51 EST 2005

Mitch, Funny thing is I was just using IE to test the admin interface.  
I am a devoted Firefox user.  The version is:


The saga continues with the PHPshop CSV upload.  I decided to remove my silly applications from the mix and I exported the data from the store using the PHPShop CSV export button.  I saved it to my HD and before I even opened it, I clicked Browse, selected the file and clicked upload.  I am immediately meet with a download window asking me if I want to save the file or open it.  Sounds like a  bug.



Hans C. Kaspersetz
Cyber X Designs

Office: 201-558-7929
Mobile: 201-681-4156

Mitch Pirtle wrote:

>On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 14:51:06 -0500, Hans C. Kaspersetz
><hans at> wrote:
>>I have two problems today and both are with the same vanilla
>>installation.  Requisite information: Win XP, Apache 1.3.x, MySQL 4.1.
>>I installed the MamboV4.5.2.1_mambo-phpShop-Edition.tar.gz edition this
>>morning and I am having problems with the CSV uploading of products.  I
>>exported the product list from Mambo, I installed the sample data, to a
>>csv file.  I opened the file in Excel and modified a couple of entries.
>>I saved the file as comma separated csv and went to use the upload
>>function in PHP Shop component.  I am getting an alert box with the
>>following error: "Mime type not accepted.  Type for file uploaded:
>>text/x-csv."  Any ideas on how to make this work?
>Silly rabbit, you used an Office product to create a text file. I'm
>pretty sure that never works. I would make sure that it is
>filename.csv and checked in notepad or another editor that is not
>famous for mangling text files.
>>The other weird problem is, I can login into the admin through Firefox
>>but when I try and login through IE I just get kicked back to the login
>>screen.  No wrong password message or anything.
>Then it is time to switch to firefox (rimshot)
>Seriously, that is strange - I see problems all the time with CSS in
>templates not being cross platform, but the login is just a login.
>What version is this, 4.5.2 or maybe?
>-- Mitch

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