AW: [mambo] wait for mambo 5?!

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Jun 2 15:45:58 EDT 2005

On 6/2/05, Ryan Ozimek <cozimek at> wrote:
> Looking for feedback on PHP5 eh?  Well, I'll tell you, a lot of the
> integrations we do are with servers chugging along nicely with php 4.3.10.
> I don't think they're going to be changing anytime soon, and I'd hate to
> lose potential users because 5.0 will require php5.  However, I know that at
> some point we're going to need to get with it.  What are the real
> requirements for the community to move to PHP 5?  What would it offer to us
> that we're really confident that Mambo 5.0 will require to move us forward?

To you it offers little. To us (the application developers) it offers
a TON. We takes as much an OO-based approach to the design of Mambo as
possible, and the OO-underpinnings in PHP4 are, well, let's just say
you can still see the staple marks...

For us it would be a huge step forward in how we write our code, and
it would give us much more capability from the infrastructure

Ultimately, PHP5 ain't gonna happen until RedHat, SuSE and all the
other linux vendors start packaging it by default; and Plesk and ensim
support it. Until then, PHP5 is only wishful thinking unfortunately.

We've pointed out to the Zend folks that it is critical to lean on the
VARs and distro maintainers, because whatever comes standard is
usually what we get stuck with!

> As for the granular user management, that is really really the big key for
> us.  Our clients are constantly asking for more granular control as to who
> can edit exactly what content pages, components, etc.  If this will require
> PHP5 to fully implement it, then we're all for it!

No need to wait, or migrate. Now that ADOdb is out of the way (4.5.3
will be out soon, promise!) we are turning our sights to implementing
phpGACL which gives you the power to fine-tune just exactly who gets
exactly what access to exactly what content.

The database and ACL topics have been at the forefront of our minds
for months, and we are all excited to be releasing solutions to these
needs soon.

Mitch Pirtle
Mambo Core Developer

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