[mambo] MySQL username/password problem on Mac.

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Mar 19 20:48:46 EST 2005

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 11:30:09 -0500, leam at <leam at> wrote:
> This isn't a Mac/Mambo issue, I tested out the install procedure on a remote machine. SO it's something in the mix of Mambo/MySQL/Apache/PHP on the Mac. I'll poke it in a bit and make sure the default install on a Mac works with Mambo.

That would be a good start.

Please understand that I install Mambo at least 10 times a day - every
time I refresh my local development copy from CVS (and my local linux
server as well) and all the sites that I help with, plus dozens of
different development sites for paying work.

I've never had a problem submitting a custom password at the
installation stage, on windows or linux, using IE, firefox, konqueror,
galeon, or that new one that comes with GNOME 2.10.

So if you can reproduce this one, I am desperate for details so I can
log it as a bug and get it fixed :-)

-- Mitch

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