[mambo] Re: NYPHP February Mambo Presentation

Graham Spice graham at
Tue Mar 22 15:07:37 EST 2005

Nice slides, Mitch! I gave a presentation to the Nashville PHP User 
Group (NPHUG) this month about Mambo! Looks like we're on the same page 
down here in the South. My presentation was video-taped and will be 
available soon on our site ( to bore you with. ;)

I usually give seminars to existing users showing them how to use their 
new website. The audience of the NPHUG presentation was obviously more 
technically inclined and I attempted to expose the power under the hood 
of Mambo as a result. I gave out a printed handout that contained a few 
of the new docs released: Core Database Tables, Index Flowchart for 
4.5.2, and two other pages from the manual with general ACL info. I also 
handed out a CD containing user and developer tutorials as well as a 
code section with the latest version of Mambo and popular addons.

We initially spent time with the two new documents in the handout, 
answering any questions that came up along the way. Everyone seemed to 
like this "from the insides out" approach and these new docs were a BIG 
help in explaining the details. As I mentioned, I usually focus on the 
end user in these presentations so I was a little out of my element but 
did fine with the help of these new materials.

Once we got through the handout items we were going to turn to a 
real-world example but our Internet connection didn't I 
improvised a bit and walked them through a few of the tutorials that I 
had on the handout CD.  I will forward the link to my archived 
presentation when it is available.

My goal for the presentation was to educate our local PHP users in the 
ways of Mambo so that they might use it in future projects or utilize 
some of the ideas/techniques used by Mambo to build their own customized 
CMSs. Everyone had lots of questions about module positions, menu items, 
mambots, etc. I tried to answer them as well as I could. It appeared 
that everyone left a little sleepier and more aware of how Mambo worked 
so I guess it was a success. ;)

Graham Spice

NPHUG Hostmaster and Sponsor:
nuthin' werked - new media solutions:

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