[mambo] Re: Howto? "Turn off polls"

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed Mar 23 11:03:15 EST 2005

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 10:29:22 -0500, Faber Fedor <faber at> wrote:
> I'm guessing that leam had the same problem I had; turning off the Polls
> module still left the "Polls" title on the front page (depending on
> theme, IIRC).
> In the theme I was playingwith, I had to edit the main menu to remove
> the "Polls" section header.

Yuck, whatever that template is, get rid of it ASAP ;-)

That is a cardinal sin - never, NEVER hardcode title or content or
module info in a template, for this exact reason. We spent hours
implementing the little feature so you could turn titles on or off for
just about everything, content, components, modules, you name it.

Whenever you are editing something, look for a 'Parameters' tab.
Chances are, if you need it, you can decide whether that item's title
is displayed or not.

-- Mitch

-- Mitch

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