[mambo] Re: Howto? "Turn off polls"

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Mar 24 16:20:41 EST 2005

On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:20:28 -0600, leam <leam at> wrote:
> On a default install, unpublish the default poll and then look at the
> main page.

There is a right way to do this, and a wrong way to do this ;-)

The wrong way is to unpublish that particular poll by going into
Components :: Polls. The problem with this is that the Poll module is
still being published, it is just empty (you have only unpublished
that particular poll)...

The right way to do this is by going to Modules :: Site Modules and
unpublishing the module called Polls. That takes everything away, and
there are no changes required to the template.

Does that clear it up? Or am I the one confused? LOL

-- Mitch

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