[mambo] MySQL username/password problem on Mac.

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Mar 31 20:18:13 EST 2005

On Mar 31, 2005 8:01 PM, leam at <leam at> wrote:
> Well....
> I got a Mac binary for PHP that has MySQL included. Still get the same error, even after having restarted apache. Still get the "The password and username provided are incorrect." in install1.php.
> './configure' '--prefix=/usr/local/php' '--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php/lib' '--with-apxs' '--with-iconv=/usr/local/php' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-zlib=/usr' '--with-mysql' '--with-pgsql=/Users/marc/cvs/entropy-php4/php-module/build/postgresql-build' '--enable-cgi' '--with-gd' '--with-png-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-t1lib=/usr/local/php' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-tiff-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-curl=/usr/local/php' '--with-mcal=/usr/local/php' '--with-mcrypt=/usr/local/php' '--with-mhash=/usr/local/php' '--with-pdflib=/usr/local/php' '--with-imap=../imap-2002d' '--with-imap-ssl=/usr' '--with-expat-dir=/usr/local/php' '--with-gettext=/usr/local/php' '--with-dom=/usr/local/php' '--with-dom-xslt=/usr/local/php' '--with-dom-exslt=/usr/local/php' '--with-xslt-sablot=/usr/local/php' '--with-mime-magic=/usr/local/php/etc/magic.mime' '--with-mssql=/usr/local/php' '--with-fbsql=/Users/marc/cvs/entropy-php4/php-module/build/frontbase-build/Library/FrontBase' '--with-ming=/Users/marc/cvs/entropy-php4/php-module/build/ming-build' '--enable-xslt' '--with-ldap' '--with-xml' '--with-xmlrpc' '--with-iodbc=/usr' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-dbx' '--enable-dbase' '--enable-trans-sid' '--enable-exif' '--enable-wddx' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-mbstring'
> Thoughts?

There are a couple things you can do at this point, one of which is
create your own php script that connects and lists something from
mysql. If that works, then you have a fully functional webserver and
there is something with the data in the tables, or configuration of
that particular virtual host.

If the script doesn't work, then you need to make sure there is a
section from your pjpinfo() script that lists the client version of
MySQL and so on - without that section, the extension is definitely
not being loaded.

-- Mitch

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