[joomla] Intranet development using Joomla

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Tue Aug 29 10:47:07 EDT 2006

Hi David!

I do not have a response for you but I am going to follow this thread
and see what the Joomla Gurus recommend.  I have also wanted to do
something like this for a group I am working with.  eZ Publish is good
for this but there are a lot of problems using it on virtual hosts
(even paid ones) when Apache is run CGI and not run as an Apache
module. :(

Would be kinda cool to have an "Intranet" version/package of Joomla. :)


On 8/29/06, David A. Roth <rothmail at> wrote:
> I've been thinking about using Joomla as an Intranet for development
> projects.
> Two main areas:
> 1)To manage notes about a project, where users on the project can
> create notes in a forum-like format, but have the ability to easily
> re-arrange a posted message into another category if needed.
> 2) Software tracking system for bugs and feature requests where they
> can have a priority set, assigned to a person and a target date.
> I'd be interested in hearing opinions about how to best accomplish this
> from what has already been written.
> Thanks in advance,
> David Roth
> rothmail at
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