[joomla] Joomla and working with web graphic designers.

Ryan W. Ozimek cozimek at
Sun Jul 23 21:45:39 EDT 2006

Hi everyone,

I think that what Mitch provided below is great to note, and additionally, I
think we've been more successful working with designers that have actually
used Joomla, even on the periphery or partially.  The reason is that when
they're building module-like entities in their designs, they can think about
building it out in such a way that allows you as a developer and admin to
more effectively manage the modules on your template.

After a go at using Joomla, most designers can understand the ability to be
flexible that modules have, and breakout their designs accordingly.


-----Original Message-----
From: joomla-bounces at [mailto:joomla-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Mitch Pirtle
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 6:48 PM
To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla
Subject: Re: [joomla] Joomla and working with web graphic designers.

On 7/23/06, David A. Roth <rothmail at> wrote:
> The more I learn about Joomla, the more I like it.

Smart man.

> Would it be considered reasonable to expect a web graphic designer to 
> prepare their designs as a template in Joomla? I'm asking because I 
> don't know how many designers are familiar with Joomla yet. Also, how 
> much effort would it take for an experienced designer to learn Joomla 
> to complete their design in a Joomla template? Thanks! used to have a DreamWeaver extension so you could
output your design as a template file. Not sure if it is still actively
maintained, but you might want to check that out.

If the designers had access to something like that, then it would be
reasonable to ask them to take that step. However, you still need a little
PHP knowledge in order to create templates by hand, and that may be asking
too much from a graphic designer. I suppose it ultimately depends on the
skills of your designer.

-- Mitch
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